Alaska's Inside Passage - Glacier Bay

Our trip to Glacier Bay begins with a champagne breakfast. After all, we're on vacation!

The word "hungry" is not often heard on these cruise ships.
No, there are not four people being served, just the two of us!

We enter Glacier Bay on a cool, peaceful morning.

The Margerie Glacier is conveniently located for tourists - just what
the chamber of commerce ordered. You can pull up right next to it.

I find it amazing that we can get so close to a glacier, something
I've only seen on National Geographic videos until now.

We raised our glasses in celebration of a great vacation!

This was Snuffles' favorite vacation of all time.

Now we must leave Glacier Bay and head for College Fjord.

This was a fun party aboard the Island Princess - a champagne waterfall!
We watched the crew build the structure, one champagne glass at a time.

Let the champagne flow!

They even allowed the passengers to get into the act.

Naturally, a raucous party follows after many glasses of bubbly.

The next day we took a tour of one of the galleys
aboard the Island Princess. With over 3,000 people
to feed every day, the galleys are a big part of the ship.

I've never seen so much stainless steel in my life.

The galley is spotless, as you would expect from this first-class operation.

A quick trip through the dessert bar shows a lot of creativity and ... calories!

Click for College Fjord pix

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